Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

30 October 2011 Creepy but Funny Cover of Shanghai Romance

A video of a dance cover for Orange Caramel's "Shanghai Romance" is gaining a lot of attention from AS and OC Fans for it's very funny yet creepy dance cover.

in the video we can see a girl with a creepy halloween mask dancing to shanghai romance in the streets of a china town and other chinese related locations.. one of this is a square filled with many people.. but the fan still danced proudly even with looks of being weird.

Check the video below:

Netizens commented: "I think this is my new favorite fan dance cover" "oh my god that is so funny and creepy at the same time" "I hope Orange Caramel Sees this"

This guy is legend!

Editorial By: Iceprinceafterschool @as-afterparty.com

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